I'm a self taught cook with a passion for eating.
How did I learn to cook?
I love to cook, but it wasn't always that way. Growing up I used to flounder around in the kitchen making stuff even my dog wouldn't eat (ask me about my experience with tofu someday). The more I cooked the better I got. It's that simple really.
Why do I say "even my husband can do it"?
When I met my husband Jared, all he had in is fridge was a loaf of bread, cheese singles and cheap sandwich meat. His idea of a nice dinner was a microwaved lasagna. Call me spoiled, but microwaved food is not my idea of a good time.
So began our adventure of life together, me the fussy eater, and Mr. Kraft singles. As I'm sure you can guess, I became the cook and he became …well the guy who played video games while I slaved away over a hot stove.
It didn't take long for him to learn to enjoy a good meal, and pretty soon he was learning to cook for himself.
Who am I exactly?
I’m just a normal suburban housewife. I grew up in New Zealand, but now live in beautiful, rainy Washington. When I get home sick, I cook. I love to cook New Zealand cuisine. Things I miss from home. I will try to publish as many of these recipes as I can, time willing.
We recently became pescetarian, meaning we eat seafood, but no other meat. This has been a challange, and I reall miss my meat pies. I hope in the future to expand this blog and share more of my favourtie recipes with you, but for now, this will have to do.
Thank you for reading.